I'm beginning to wonder if I will ever "GET IT TOGETHER!!"
What do I mean by this? Well, that's what I'm still trying to figure out.
I was able to visit with my really good friend from college on Monday, and just loved being with her, and being in her home.
Why did I like it so much? Well it was everything my house isn't.
Her home is so CLEAN!! Minimal items in every room, and the walls are tan and look sharp with contrasting white base boards and trims. She has more then one bathroom, that's definately a plus. She has a downstairs that has a "family/rec room" down there, and there is absolutely not one bit of clutter anywhere!!
Not to mention her house is a lot newer than mine!! So things are fairly updated and look nice, and she has room for the kids to be wild, and to send them downstairs when she wants quiet upstairs.
Oh how I wish I had the space!!
So in my new quest to find some kind of newness for me, I'm on a mission to declutter this house. I've started in my living room, and have half the room done. With more downsizing to take place really soon.
Next is the kitchen, followed by the bathroom area and then the bedrooms. I've actually been going through all the "too small, too dingy, and too torn up" clothes and have thrown lots of it away, and have yet to get all the laundry done at the same time. It feels great to get rid of this stuff...so watch out, and stay out of my way please.
I might not have a big house, and might not be a great decorator, but I can start with eliminating all the junk and clutter that has no use in my home. And I'm too scared to think about the MESS that awaits me in the cellar that has become the dumping grounds and really has no order to it, until recently.
Someday I'll have a home that is bigger in size, and newer in age and then I'll not have to worry about the electrical wiring that needs to be redone, and even add in extra outlets and have to pay for that. And maybe one day I can live in a home where all my kids can have their own rooms, and that the lights are turned on with switches rather than a pull string. Where my office, library, and living room will all take up roots in different and separate spaces. Where I will have adequate cupboard space and use of my walls in the kitchen, and taht the kitchen cabinetry will all match. My bathroom will have a fan for ventilation, and then I won't feel so bad for taking my warm showers. I'll have a big screen TV, with a few lazy boys, and in my library a huge bean bag where I will perch myself when I read. I'd like a bay window in my bedroom so that I could sit there and read as well.
But let me get back to reality, and just be appreciative of my home that I do have. Because it's something we can afford with the job we are fortunate to have. But I hear it's also great to have a dream/goal so that life always seems worth going on. (not to say without this one dream, that my life would not be worth living, because it most certainly is, this just helps)
I'm so glad that I have a husband that is able to know and figure out how much we can really afford and that we were smart with the type of loan we got into. I'm glad that we didn't run into trouble and not be able to afford the before mentioned dream house and now be facing foreclosure or become homeless even. I'm grateful for my roof over my head, and the job my husband has. I'm also grateful for my kids, even when they get crazy and ridiculous. I wouldn't have it any other way. Until the time and money are right.