You see, I'm hoping to own my own photography business within a year or so, and I'm trying to hone the skills that are needed to be a great photographer. I've done a few newborn sessions for some friends that were gracious enough to lend me their gorgeous little babies to use as a model. I've edited some of the pictures, and uploaded them to share with others, but I have a few more poses that I need to edit a little and then post them on here.
It's amazing how much I'm absorbing as I go along. I've always had a knack for learning new things, and I've always had a love for photography, but never had a good camera until a month ago. So now I have my first DSLR ..simply put a camera that I can change the lens on. I now have two lens that I can use on my camera with dreams of a few others that I'd like to get. But everytime I get a chance, I pull out my camera and practice on how to operate it. And I'm beginning to learn that when I hear that sometimes a photographer will take a dozen or more pictures of the same "subject" and get 1 -2 pictures that really turn out great.
But it's fun!! Mistakes and all. The hard part is trying to find out, what is needed in order to start up an official legit business, and wondering if I'll be able to find enough clients that I can really begin to make money. (crossing my fingers)
Just trying to build up a portfolio for now, so that I have something to show to potential clients. My next goal is to do a few "patriotic" sessions. I've got one scheduled with a little baby in about two weeks, and I'm so excited. I have a session tentatively scheduled ...but it all depends on when he decides to join the human race here on earth. So I'll be doing that one probably after I return from Cali as well.
So be sure to check out my other blog HERE to see some of the projects I've been working on.
But first I'll share on of my own son that I totally adore... of course, it's while he is sleeping. He's just so darn precious in this form.
Ruth · 773 weeks ago