2. Real tree or Artificial? I love the smell of real trees, but couldn't hack spending the same amount of money on a tree ever year, so we have an artificial tree that won't die!! Bonus!!
3. When do you put up the tree? We try to set it up the weekend after Thanksgiving!! Always a fun time for our family.
4. When do you take the tree down? Well Usually by the 1st of the new year. (But this year it will have to wait until ... well I can't say it's a surprise....shhhhh)
5. Do you like eggnog? <<<<<
6. Favorite gift? Well I really enjoyed what Chris did for me last year. He supplied me with some cash to purchase tickets to go see Twilight, because I hadn't seen it yet. And there was enough money to grab a bite to eat before hand too. This was a girls night out with my sister in laws. Awesome ladies. Plus he had a nice bracelet waiting for me in the tree. I LOVE IT!!!
7. Hardest person to buy for? Chris. Yeah, sure he says he doesn't want anything, but if I have some money I can use on him, I try to use it. But everything he wants/needs are usually clothes, and he likes he stuff a "CERTAIN" way, so it's hard to surprise him with it.
8. Easiest person to buy for? The youngest kid. They are always so easy to please. (But it might be the age factor)
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Maybe the question to ask is how many do I own?? I have 12 right now, and I love to collect them. So every few years, I try and acquire a new nativity. I love them.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Well, of course, I mail them. But sometimes I forget a few people, or get surprised by someone sending me a card I wasn't expecting, and then if I can I send them a scanned version of what we sent out. And then add them to the list the next year.
11. Worst Christmas gift you've ever received? They have all been pretty practical, although there was a white elephant one time that consisted of one hot pad. Not really a big deal but this thing was half grey and BRIGHT orange. It was rather obnoxious. but like I said it was practical. But I don't think I have it anymore, I think I passed it on.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Oh my, I can't even narrow it down. That's what I want to do next week, is watch lots of Christmas Movies. I do really enjoy A Christmas Story.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When I have the money. So usually end of NOvember or December. This year we started the day after Thanksgiving.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Call me lame but I love DEVILED EGGS!!! And the pies afterward!! Yummy stuff....this is making me slightly hungry.
16. Lights on the tree? Yes, and we switch off from colored to white. Chris prefers white, and I like multi. This year we have white lights. Because we hung the colored strand around the girls bedroom.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Angels we have hear on high. And Oh Holy Night.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We usually stay home for Christmas, and just visit with close family later in the day, but still return home to our beds.
19.Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Well if they are all named in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer than HECK YEAH I know them.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? STAR. IT changes every year. Next year will be interesting to see what we put on the tree. Since we are going to do a HOME MADE Christmas Tree.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas Morning.
22.Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Everyone is TOO busy, to just hang out and spend time together.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? My ornament theme at the moment... anything that is Shatterproof. I have kids. And next year, we're going to do something a lot different. It'll be exciting getting everything ready for next year.
24. Favorite thing for Christmas dinner? Usually it's a tukey. But one turkey memory blends into another turkey memory, and soon all is forgotten, but one year, we didn't have money to buy the turkey so we just had lasagne and the kids LOVED it. And so did I!!
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? For my family to be HAPPY! And to spend time with those that mean a lot to me!! ALthough a LAZY BOY would be a great addition!! But that will have to wait for now. A new computer would be nice, a DSLR camera, A bigger house.... I could go on and on. But I know that these things won't happen this year, but it's always good to have goals to work towards. Right.