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Saturday, February 6, 2010

New FEATURE.... (Make Me Laugh Kid)

I don't know about you, but my kids are pretty darn funny!!  And I'm constantly sharing their funny moments with my friends.  I also like to hear about the funny stuff that my friends kids do as well.  Nothing like hearing about what a kid says or does, to put a smile on the overly tired Mother/Grandmother/Aunt/sister /Dad/Grandfather/Uncle/brother 's faces.

I know I have this up for being posted on Sunday, and that's so you can link your funny moment up in order to be on here for Monday.  And really throughout the week.

 So now I want you to share with me, and others out there what your most favorite funny thing was from this last week..... (Remember to keep it clean)  So just post to your blog, and then come back here to link up to that post on your blog. 

So my favorite thing from this last week:

While driving down a major street in the city we live in, we were stopped at a light and my 7 year old daughter was reading some of the street signs, and I hear her say. " One hour po-tatoe? "   Of course, I realize that it doesn't sound like any sign I'd ever seen, and turned to look, and realized it actually said, "One hour photo".   I seriously couldn't stop laughing.