(did you call me lame yet?) go on get on with it already.
Feeling better yet?? Still curious why I'm crossing my fingers?
Well, I want to win a book. (because I'm a nerdy type who loves to read)
The author?
Title of the book?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Tristi Pinkston's Secret Sisters --- that's right, I've never read anything by her yet, but this book is shouting loudly to my innermost regions and calling out "READ ME, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!
And right now, I have a chance to win this book. And you can to by visiting Michelle Ashman Belle's blog where she has interviewed Tristi.
Did I mention to, that I'm so glad that other people are so talented, that I can sit back and enjoy all their "hard" work??
So go read the interview already, what are you waiting for? Christmas? Easter? Your birthday, (or maybe mine which is the 24th of April)?
I even made it easy you just need to click on the link.
Happy Friday Everyone!!
In the words of a radio station that I listen to frequently, " I HOPE I WIN THE CONTEST!"